Who we are

The phrase "Every grain of rice wasted in this life will starve in the next" holds a profound meaning that speaks to the difficulty of growing rice and the significance of being grateful for the resources we have. It highlights the harm caused by unnoticed waste and reminds us to cherish what we have, making a conscious effort to minimize waste.

Growing up, I was inspired by my parents' resilience and strength. They were survivors of one of the most brutal and devastating civil wars in modern history, a conflict that ravaged their homeland and took so much from them. They faced days and nights of terror, with bombs falling from the sky and gunfire ringing in their ears, and had to flee their homes in search of safety. They were forced to work in labor camps on the rice fields, enduring malnourishment, starvation, and overwork. They drank water from a lake filled with dead bodies and had to struggle to survive each day with no food or money. The education they once valued was taken away, and they lived with the constant fear of being discovered.

Despite all of these obstacles, my parents persevered. They made the difficult decision to leave their homeland and start a new life in America as refugees, with nothing but hope for a brighter future for their children. When they arrived in America, they faced yet another set of challenges. They didn't speak English, had no money, food, or support system, but they refused to give up. They worked hard every day to adapt, learned basic English, find work, and provide for their family with opportunities they never had. Their unwavering determination and resilience fueled my passion for education and appreciation for the resources available to me.

Education has been a critical aspect of my life, providing me with opportunities to grow and learn, and to make a meaningful difference in the world. It has been a source of empowerment, allowing me to use my voice and abilities to create positive change. It has also been a source of hope and inspiration, reminding me of the limitless potential of the human spirit and the importance of pursuing my passions with purpose and determination.

I am driven by a deep sense of responsibility to future generations to preserve the planet and its resources, to ensure that they have access to clean air, water, and food. I am passionate about promoting sustainability and advocating for environmentally-friendly practices, both in my personal life and in the wider community. My journey has been shaped by my experiences growing up in a refugee family, and by the lessons I have learned from my parents' struggles and triumphs. Their unwavering determination and strength has fueled my passion for education and my commitment to promoting sustainability for future generations.

That's why I am on a mission to live a more waste-free life, reducing my use of plastic and taking steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle and providing accessible education for all. I want to spread the word and educate the world on the critical importance of taking care of our planet for future generations. The hardships and struggles I have witnessed in my life have taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of hard work, and have inspired me to create a brighter future for all, one that is sustainable, equitable, and full of hope.